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Born and raised in the beautiful English countryside, Tyrone, like his father, took immediately to the great and wild outdoors. First was a discovery of fishing, and a yearning to understand the invertebrates that inhabited the waters. Slightly further afield were father-son outings to London’s zoo and wild animal parks dotted around the south. Then came the ultimate in Tyrone’s wildlife experiences… grand childhood adventures to Africa with Dad. Through the eyes of a seven-year old, this little English boy was introduced to a whole new world of wonder. And this wonder gripped him fiercely, leading him time and again back to the Kafue, Zambia’s exquisite interior. 
Tyrone took this unprecedented childhood love and ran with it, obtaining a university degree in Conservation Ecology from Kent. After graduating at the age of 21, he seized the bull by the horns and relocated to Africa where he pursued his dreams of establishing an ethical safari business. It was his and his business partner’s goal to utilise local knowledge, provide employment for the local people and adhere to ecological and conservationist values that would undergird Jeffery and McKeith Safaris.  Today, Musekese & Ntemwa camps are globally recognised for their quality safari experience which is undisputedly reinforced by the incredible passion and extreme dedication of J&M’s promotion and conservation of the wildlife of the Kafue. Recently J&M have established Musekese Conservation, a resource protection non-profit organisation which has contributed vehicle and boats and established a remote base camp to host and facilitate teams of Zambian Wildlife Officers to operate out of for anti-poaching patrols. 
However, what sets Tyrone apart is his exceptional ethical and honest approach to not just business, but life, and found here is a passion that is threaded through all he does. His experience in arranging and running safaris goes hand-in-hand with a work ethic that is second-to-none, earning him the respect of all who cross his path. Moreover, while his safari and wildlife knowledge is superb, it is perhaps his down-to-earth ways that make him the total delight that he is. First and foremost, however, Tyrone is a conservationist, a true preserver of all life. 
If all of this weren’t enough, he is also one of the very few guides in the world qualified to take guests to Chad, and retains the skills and knowledge to guide safaris in the Congo/Central African Republic in search of Gorillas. 
Tyrone has given talks to interested audiences at some of London’s largest travel shows, and has been a guest speaker at the Shackleton Society, the prestigious arm of the world-renowned Eton College.  An avid photographer and fisherman, there are fewer young men you will meet who nurture such a genuine and insatiable appetite for the work he does and the place he calls home. 
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